Archives for 2017
Saturday, 25 November 2017
Sunday, 19 November 2017
Tawau.. Syurga Makanan Laut - Majalah 3
KOTA KINABALU- Sabah yang kaya dengan sumber perikanan dan marin merupakan syurga makanan laut (seafood heaven) di negara ini, kata Presiden Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) Cawangan Sabah, Datuk Frankie Liew. Frankie berkata keistimewaan Sabah sebagai syurga makanan laut perlu dipertahankan kerana ia merupakan salah satu daya tarikan pelancong selain keindahan alam semulajadi yang dimiliki negeri ini. “Keistimewaan Sabah yang kaya dengan sumber perikanan menyebabkan ia jadi pilihan pelancongan asing terutama dari China, Jepun, Korea, Hong Kong, Amerika Syarikat dan lain-lain datang melawat Sabah semata-mata mahu menikmati makanan laut Sabah yang segar”, katanya. Beliau berkata kepada pemberita setelah merasmikan Restoran Makanan Laut baharu- Ocean City Seafood Restaurant di Star City, disini, hari ini. Dalam masa sama, beliau mengalu- alukan langkah kerajaan negeri melarang pengeksportan ikan-ikan segar dan hidup amat dialu-alukan kerana pelancong asing dan juga rakyat Sabah berpeluang menikmati bekalan makanan laut yang segar. Sementara itu, Pengarah Ocean City Seafood Jack Loh berkata restoran itu beroperasi mulai 20 Disember 2016 dan kini menawarkan harga istimewa untuk hidangan ketam dan udang sehingga 15 Januari 2017.-SayangSabah Baca selanjutnya di Sayang Sabah - https://www.sayangsabah.com/sabah-syurga-makanan-laut-frankie/
Saturday, 18 November 2017
Kerbau Oh Kerbau
Kerbau 'Koboi' Kampung Lukut
Menangkap kerbau liar bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah tambah lagi kerbau yang hidup meliar di Kampung Lukut, dalam daerah Kota Tinggi, Johor. Lebih 130 ekor kerbau dibiarkan hidup meliar di ladang kelapa sawit kampung tersebut yang lebih dimiliki 40 orang tuan. Namun, menjadi persoalan, bagaimana hendak mengenali setiap kerbau yang perlu ditangkap? “Kalau nak tangkap ni semua orang boleh tangkap, tapi selain berani, si penangkap kerbau juga perlu kenal kerbau mana yang nak ditangkap,” kata Nurul Hisham Nordin yang merupakan ketua penangkap kerbau atau PenanjoSop Tulang Daging Kerbau
500 gr tulang daging bagian paha (bisa daging apa saja, kalau saya pakai daging kerbau)
3 buah kentang
3 buah wortel
1 buah brokoli ukuran sedang
1/2 ons seledri, potong sesuai selera
1/2 ons bawang prei, potong sesuai selera
2 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis
4 liter air
4 siung bawang merah, iris tipis
3 siung bawang putih, iris tipis
2 buah tomat, potong dadu
1/2 sdm merica
5 biji lawang kaleng (pekak)
5 biji cengkeh
5 biji kapulaga
1 biji pala
1 ruas lengkuas, memarkan
1 ruas jahe, memarkan
1 ruas kayu manis
secukupnya garam
royco kaldu ayam secukupnya,
Siapkan panci berisi air. Rebus tulang hingga dagingnya empuk.
Masukkan kapulaga, cengkeh, biji pala, lawang kaleng (pekak), kayu manis, jahe, & lengkuas ke dalam rebusan tulang.
Setelah daging empuk, matikan api. Diamkan sejenak hingga lemak dagingnya naik ke permukaan. Ambil lemak dengan serokan lalu buang.
Siapkan wajan berisi minyak goreng untuk menumis.
Tumis bawang merah & bawang putih hingga kecokelatan.
Masukkan daging yang sudah direbus. Tumis sampai dagingnya meresap dengan minyak.
Masukkan air rebusan daging kedalam wajan.
Setelah mendidih, masukkan kentang & wortel.
Setelah kentang & wortel matang, masukkan brokoli, seledri, bawang prei, & tomat.
Tambahkan merica, garam, & royco kaldu ayam secukupnya.https://cookpad.com/id/resep/988771-sop-tulang-daging-kerbau
Friday, 17 November 2017
Jenguk Dapur - Gobang Maju Patin Tempoyak
Masak Tempoyak Ikan Patin Resepi Asli Temerloh
Masak Tempoyak Ikan Patin Versi Asli Temerloh
Oleh: Azie Kitchen
Bahan bahan:
1 ekor patin saiz sederhana
2 senduk tempoyak
4 cawan air - agak agak pekat kuah disukai
1 biji cili merah - opsyenal untuk bagi kuah merah jer
Segenggam cili padi merah - ikut pedas disukai
1 inci kunyit hidup
Secekak daun kesum
Sedikit garam
Cara cara:
Tumbuk cili merah, cili padi dan kunyit hidup. Jangan sampai terlalu hancur pulak. Kemudian masukkan tempoyak dan ditumbuk supaya bergaul rata.
Masukkan ikan dan kesemua bahan ke dalam periuk. Masaklah dengan api perlahan sehingga ianya merenih dan menggelegak.Setelah menggelegak, masukkan daun kesum. Masak dalam 2-3 minit sahaja dan bolehlah tutup api. Nota:
Kalau tempoyak kurang masam, bolehlah tambah sedikit asam keping.
Basuh ikan dengan tepung gandum untuk menghilangkan bau hanyir ikan sungai.http://www.aziekitchen.com/2014/01/masak-tempoyak-ikan-patin-resepi-asli.html
Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak Versi Perak
1 ekor ikan patin @ mana2 ikan sungai yang kome suke
4 biji cili merah
2 senduk tempoyak (saiz sedang)
Sedikit serbuk kunyit
2 batang serai - ketuk
1 helai daun kunyit - kakG tambah
1 batang timun - jika suka (kakG suka guna taugeh kasar)
3-4 gelas air atau mengikut yang disukai
Secubit gula
Blender kasar cili merah atau ditumbuk kasar. Kemudian satukan semua sekali bahan termasuk ikan dan timun/taugeh kasar dengan air secukupnya. Petua dolu-dolu bahan bahan mesti digaul sebati dengan menggunakan tangan.
Masak dengan api perlahan sehingga ianya mendidih dan merenih dengan agak lama.
Masukkan sedikit garam dan secubit gula. Sesuaikan rasa dan bolehlah diangkat dan dihidangkan dengan nasi putih panas panas.http://ramuanbonda.blogspot.my/2015/10/ikan-patin-masak-tempoyak-versi-perak.html
Masak Tempoyak Ikan Patin Resepi Asli Temerloh
Masak Tempoyak Ikan Patin Versi Asli Temerloh
Oleh: Azie Kitchen
Bahan bahan:
1 ekor patin saiz sederhana
2 senduk tempoyak
4 cawan air - agak agak pekat kuah disukai
1 biji cili merah - opsyenal untuk bagi kuah merah jer
Segenggam cili padi merah - ikut pedas disukai
1 inci kunyit hidup
Secekak daun kesum
Sedikit garam
Cara cara:
Tumbuk cili merah, cili padi dan kunyit hidup. Jangan sampai terlalu hancur pulak. Kemudian masukkan tempoyak dan ditumbuk supaya bergaul rata.
Masukkan ikan dan kesemua bahan ke dalam periuk. Masaklah dengan api perlahan sehingga ianya merenih dan menggelegak.Setelah menggelegak, masukkan daun kesum. Masak dalam 2-3 minit sahaja dan bolehlah tutup api. Nota:
Kalau tempoyak kurang masam, bolehlah tambah sedikit asam keping.
Basuh ikan dengan tepung gandum untuk menghilangkan bau hanyir ikan sungai.http://www.aziekitchen.com/2014/01/masak-tempoyak-ikan-patin-resepi-asli.html
Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak Versi Perak
1 ekor ikan patin @ mana2 ikan sungai yang kome suke
4 biji cili merah
2 senduk tempoyak (saiz sedang)
Sedikit serbuk kunyit
2 batang serai - ketuk
1 helai daun kunyit - kakG tambah
1 batang timun - jika suka (kakG suka guna taugeh kasar)
3-4 gelas air atau mengikut yang disukai
Secubit gula
Blender kasar cili merah atau ditumbuk kasar. Kemudian satukan semua sekali bahan termasuk ikan dan timun/taugeh kasar dengan air secukupnya. Petua dolu-dolu bahan bahan mesti digaul sebati dengan menggunakan tangan.
Masak dengan api perlahan sehingga ianya mendidih dan merenih dengan agak lama.
Masukkan sedikit garam dan secubit gula. Sesuaikan rasa dan bolehlah diangkat dan dihidangkan dengan nasi putih panas panas.http://ramuanbonda.blogspot.my/2015/10/ikan-patin-masak-tempoyak-versi-perak.html
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Itik Jelapang Padi - Majalah 3
Diterbitkan 00:24
Resepi Itik Panggang
Resepi : Itik Panggang
Olahan : Amie's Little Kitchen
1 ekor itik - bersihkan & toskan sehingga kering
5 cm halia - diketuk
7 biji bawang putih - ketuk
2 sudu makan mentega
Bahan pemerap:
1 sudu makan lada putih - tumbuk
3 ulas bawang putih - tumbuk
3 cm halia - tumbuk
1 sudu teh five spices
2 sudu makan sos tiram
1 sudu makan madu
2 sudu makan kicap manis Cap Kipas Udang
1 sudu makan serbuk pati ayam MAGGI Cukup Rasa
1. Rebus itik bersama halia dan bawang putih ketuk sehingga empuk.
2. Keluarkan itik dan toskan seketika.
3. Lumurkan seluruh daging itik dengan bahan pemerap dan biarkan seketika.
4. Panggang itik di dalam oven menggunakan api sederhana selama 30 minit. Lumurkan dengan mentega sekiranya kulit itik kelihatan mengering. Jika suka kulit itik yang garing, boleh panggang lebih lama.http://salamisimon1.blogspot.my/2013/02/itik-panggang.html
Resepi : Itik Panggang
Olahan : Amie's Little Kitchen
1 ekor itik - bersihkan & toskan sehingga kering
5 cm halia - diketuk
7 biji bawang putih - ketuk
2 sudu makan mentega
Bahan pemerap:
1 sudu makan lada putih - tumbuk
3 ulas bawang putih - tumbuk
3 cm halia - tumbuk
1 sudu teh five spices
2 sudu makan sos tiram
1 sudu makan madu
2 sudu makan kicap manis Cap Kipas Udang
1 sudu makan serbuk pati ayam MAGGI Cukup Rasa
1. Rebus itik bersama halia dan bawang putih ketuk sehingga empuk.
2. Keluarkan itik dan toskan seketika.
3. Lumurkan seluruh daging itik dengan bahan pemerap dan biarkan seketika.
4. Panggang itik di dalam oven menggunakan api sederhana selama 30 minit. Lumurkan dengan mentega sekiranya kulit itik kelihatan mengering. Jika suka kulit itik yang garing, boleh panggang lebih lama.http://salamisimon1.blogspot.my/2013/02/itik-panggang.html
Monday, 6 November 2017
Bizarre Foods - Senegal
Diterbitkan 21:39
definitive stamp on Senegalese cuisine. At Chez Amy, you can experience a
confluence of the country’s colonial influences in one amazing bite.
The hole-in-the-wall food stand near Dakar’s Castor Market sells a few
of Senegal’s favorite street foods, fataya and nem. Fataya
are a Lebanese empanada-like snack, popularized when France gained
control of Lebanon after World War I, spurring immigration to Senegal. Nem are crispy fried spring rolls that arrived with refugees from Vietnam in the 1970s. The fataya
we tried at Chez Amy, stuffed with a spring roll filling of beef and
noodles, were like exploring Senegal’s food history in one bite. When
eating your way through Dakar, put this stand at the top of your list
for a mid-afternoon snack and a taste of this city’s ubiquitous
multi-cultural influences.http://andrewzimmern.com/2016/06/28/taste-senegal-one-bite/
Chez Amy takes Dakar’s multi-cultural influence to an inspiring level.
The French colonization of Vietnam, Lebanon and Senegal left adefinitive stamp on Senegalese cuisine. At Chez Amy, you can experience a
confluence of the country’s colonial influences in one amazing bite.
The hole-in-the-wall food stand near Dakar’s Castor Market sells a few
of Senegal’s favorite street foods, fataya and nem. Fataya
are a Lebanese empanada-like snack, popularized when France gained
control of Lebanon after World War I, spurring immigration to Senegal. Nem are crispy fried spring rolls that arrived with refugees from Vietnam in the 1970s. The fataya
we tried at Chez Amy, stuffed with a spring roll filling of beef and
noodles, were like exploring Senegal’s food history in one bite. When
eating your way through Dakar, put this stand at the top of your list
for a mid-afternoon snack and a taste of this city’s ubiquitous
multi-cultural influences.http://andrewzimmern.com/2016/06/28/taste-senegal-one-bite/
Diterbitkan 00:36
Moroccan cuisine is influenced by Morocco's interactions and exchanges with other cultures and nations over the centuries.[1] Moroccan cuisine is typically a mix of Arabic, Andalusian, Berber and Mediterranean cuisines with a slight European and Subsaharan influence.
Spices are used extensively in Moroccan food. Although some spices have been imported to Morocco through the Arabs for thousands of years, many ingredients — like saffron from Talaouine, mint and olives from Meknes, and oranges and lemons from Fes — are home-grown, and are being exported internationally. Common spices include qarfa (cinnamon), kamoun (cumin), kharqoum (turmeric), skinjbir (ginger), libzar (pepper), tahmira/felfla hemra (paprika), zenjelan (sesame seeds), qesbour (coriander), zaafran beldi (saffron), massia (mace), qronfel (cloves), basbas (fennel), Nnafaâ (anise), elgouza (nutmeg), zaâter (oregano), felfla soudania (cayenne pepper), and Ourka sidna moussa (bay laurel). "helba" fenugreek, 27 spices are combined to form the "celebrated" Moroccan spice mixture ras el hanout.[5]
Common herbs in Moroccan cuisine include naanaa (mint), maadnous (parsley), quesbour (coriander), fliyo (peppermint), merdedouch (marjoram), kerouiya (caraway), ellouiza (verbena) and "salmia" (sage).
Lamb is also heavily consumed, and since Moroccan sheep breeds store most of their fat in their tails, Moroccan lamb does not have the pungent flavour that Western lamb and mutton have.[citation needed]
Since Morocco lies on two coasts, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Moroccan cuisine has ample seafood dishes. European pilchard is caught in large but declining quantities.[8] Other fish species include mackerel, anchovy, sardinella, and horse mackerel.[9]
Other famous Moroccan dishes are Pastilla (also spelled Basteeya or Bestilla), Tanjia and Harira, a typical heavy soup, eaten during winter to warm up and is usually served for dinner, it is typical eaten with plain bread or with dates during the month of Ramadan. Bissara is a broad bean-based soup that is also consumed during the colder months of the year.[10]
A big part of the daily meal is bread. Bread in Morocco is principally made from durum wheat semolina known as khobz. Bakeries are very common throughout Morocco and fresh bread is a staple in every city, town and village. The most common is whole grain coarse ground or white flour bread or baguettes. There are also a number of flat breads and pulled unleavened pan-fried breads.
In addition, there are dried salted meats and salted preserved meats such as kliia/khlia[11] and g'did, which are used to flavor tagines or used in "el ghraif", a folded savory Moroccan pancake.
Salads include both raw and cooked vegetables, served either hot or cold.[12] Cold salads include zaalouk, an aubergine and tomato
mixture, and taktouka (a mixture of tomatoes, smoked green peppers,
garlic and spices) characteristic of the cities of Taza and Fes, in the
Selling fast food in the street has long been a tradition, and the best example is Djemaa el Fna square in Marrakech. Starting in the 1980s, new snack restaurants started serving "Bocadillo" (a Spanish word for a sandwich). Though the composition of a bocadillo varies by region, it is usually a baguette filled with salad and a choice of meats, Mozarella, fish (usually tuna), or omelette.[15]
Dairy product shops locally called Mhlaba, are very prevalent all around the country. Those dairy stores generally offer all types of dairy products, juices, and local delicacies such as (Bocadillos, Msemen and Harcha).[16]
In the late 1990s, several multinational fast-food franchises opened restaurants in major cities.[17]
Couscous is one of the most popular North African dishes globally. Markets, stores and restaurants in Europe, especially in France and lately the United Kingdom, feature lamb tajine, bastilla, and couscous.
Paula Wolfert, prolific American author of nine cookbooks (two on Moroccan cuisine), helped enable Moroccan-Americans to enjoy their native cuisine with ease. Couscous and Other Good Food from Morocco was published in 1973 and is still in print; it was added to the James Beard Hall of Fame in 2008. Her Food of Morocco came out in 2011 and won the 2012 James Beard Award for Best International Cookbook.[19] Wolfert appeared on the Martha Stewart Show to demonstrate cooking in clay.
Raised between Fez and San Sebastian, chef Najat Kaanache has served as an unofficial culinary ambassador of Morocco, sharing Moroccan flavors and cooking techniques with many of the world's top chefs during her pilgrimage through the best restaurant kitchens of Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands and the US.[20]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moroccan_cuisine
Moroccan cuisine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Location of Morocco
Morocco produces a large range of Mediterranean fruits and vegetables and even some tropical ones. Common meats include beef, goat, mutton and lamb, chicken and seafood, which serve as a base for the cuisine. Characteristic flavorings include lemon pickle, argan oil, cold-pressed, unrefined olive oil and dried fruits.[2] As in Mediterranean cuisine in general, the staple ingredients include wheat, used for bread and couscous, and olive oil; the third Mediterranean staple, the grape, is eaten as a dessert, though a certain amount of wine is made in the country.[3][4]Flavorings
See also: List of Moroccan dishes
Spices at central market in Agadir
Common herbs in Moroccan cuisine include naanaa (mint), maadnous (parsley), quesbour (coriander), fliyo (peppermint), merdedouch (marjoram), kerouiya (caraway), ellouiza (verbena) and "salmia" (sage).
Structure of meals
A typical lunch meal begins with a series of hot and cold salads, followed by a tagine or Dwaz. Often, for a formal meal, a lamb or chicken dish is next, or couscous topped with meat and vegetables. Moroccans either eat with fork, knife and spoon or with their hands using bread as a utensil depending on the dish served. The consumption of pork and alcohol is not common due to religious restrictions.[6]Main dishes
The main Moroccan dish most people are familiar with is couscous,[7] the old national delicacy. Beef is the most commonly eaten red meat in Morocco, usually eaten in a tagine with a wide selection of vegetables. Chicken is also very commonly used in tagines, or roasted.Lamb is also heavily consumed, and since Moroccan sheep breeds store most of their fat in their tails, Moroccan lamb does not have the pungent flavour that Western lamb and mutton have.[citation needed]
Since Morocco lies on two coasts, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Moroccan cuisine has ample seafood dishes. European pilchard is caught in large but declining quantities.[8] Other fish species include mackerel, anchovy, sardinella, and horse mackerel.[9]
Other famous Moroccan dishes are Pastilla (also spelled Basteeya or Bestilla), Tanjia and Harira, a typical heavy soup, eaten during winter to warm up and is usually served for dinner, it is typical eaten with plain bread or with dates during the month of Ramadan. Bissara is a broad bean-based soup that is also consumed during the colder months of the year.[10]
A big part of the daily meal is bread. Bread in Morocco is principally made from durum wheat semolina known as khobz. Bakeries are very common throughout Morocco and fresh bread is a staple in every city, town and village. The most common is whole grain coarse ground or white flour bread or baguettes. There are also a number of flat breads and pulled unleavened pan-fried breads.
In addition, there are dried salted meats and salted preserved meats such as kliia/khlia[11] and g'did, which are used to flavor tagines or used in "el ghraif", a folded savory Moroccan pancake.
Salad asorti, served in Beni Mellal
Usually, seasonal fruits rather than cooked desserts are served at the close of a meal. A common dessert is kaab el ghzal ("gazelle's horns"), a pastry stuffed with almond paste and topped with sugar. Another is "Halwa chebakia", pretzel-shaped dough deep-fried, soaked in honey and sprinkled with sesame seeds; it is eaten during the month of Ramadan. Coconut fudge cakes, 'Zucre Coco', are popular also.Seafood
Morocco is fortunate to have over 3000 km of coast line. There is an abundance of fish in these coastal waters with the sardine being commercially significant as Morocco is the world's largest exporter.[13] At Moroccan fish markets one can find, sole, swordfish, tuna, tarbot, mackerel, shrimp, congre eel, skate, red snapper, spider crab, lobster and a variety of mollusks.
Assorted seafood in Morocco at the Marché Central in Casablanca
Main article: Moroccan tea culture
The most popular drink is green tea with mint.
Traditionally, making good mint tea in Morocco is considered an art
form and the drinking of it with friends and family is often a daily
tradition. The pouring technique is as crucial as the quality of the tea
itself. Moroccan tea pots have long, curved pouring spouts and this
allows the tea to be poured evenly into tiny glasses from a height. For
the best taste, glasses are filled in two stages. The Moroccans
traditionally like tea with bubbles, so while pouring they hold the
teapot high above the glasses. Finally, the tea is accompanied with hard
sugar cones or lumps.[14] Morocco has an abundance of oranges and tangerines, so fresh orange juice is easily found freshly squeezed and is cheap.
Mint tea
Snacks and fast food
A food stall in the Djemaa el Fna
Dairy product shops locally called Mhlaba, are very prevalent all around the country. Those dairy stores generally offer all types of dairy products, juices, and local delicacies such as (Bocadillos, Msemen and Harcha).[16]
In the late 1990s, several multinational fast-food franchises opened restaurants in major cities.[17]
Moroccan food abroad
Moroccan cuisine has influenced the cuisine of Algeria, specially that of the towns near the Moroccan border in the west[18].Couscous is one of the most popular North African dishes globally. Markets, stores and restaurants in Europe, especially in France and lately the United Kingdom, feature lamb tajine, bastilla, and couscous.
Paula Wolfert, prolific American author of nine cookbooks (two on Moroccan cuisine), helped enable Moroccan-Americans to enjoy their native cuisine with ease. Couscous and Other Good Food from Morocco was published in 1973 and is still in print; it was added to the James Beard Hall of Fame in 2008. Her Food of Morocco came out in 2011 and won the 2012 James Beard Award for Best International Cookbook.[19] Wolfert appeared on the Martha Stewart Show to demonstrate cooking in clay.
Raised between Fez and San Sebastian, chef Najat Kaanache has served as an unofficial culinary ambassador of Morocco, sharing Moroccan flavors and cooking techniques with many of the world's top chefs during her pilgrimage through the best restaurant kitchens of Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands and the US.[20]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moroccan_cuisine
Sunday, 5 November 2017
Bizarre foods Africa
Diterbitkan 20:57
With Uganda’s many lakes and rivers, fish are an important food. Local fish include the Nile perch, tiger fish and the ngege tilapia. A favourite recipe serves tilapia with a peanut sauce.
Soft fizzy pops are widely drunk in Uganda for cold drinks, with
lager beer the most popular alcoholic beverage. Though many Ugandans
grow coffee beans for a living, chai or tea is the favoured hot drink, brewed very sweet and milky.
Lake Victoria once boasted the most diverse fish environment on the
planet. And among the many species of fish living here today is the
lungfish. This unique fish is a living evolutionary example of how fish
can transition from breathing in the water to breathing air.
They get their name from their ability to breath air, using their air
bladder as a lung (as opposed to breathing through their gills), which
most fish use for buoyancy in swimming. In fact, if held underwater and
prevented from getting air, this fish can actually drown.
In terms of its appearance, the lungfish has an elongated body that
is similar to an eel, with pectoral and pelvic fins that are
thread-like, with soft scales. Using their pectoral and pelvic fins,
they have the ability to crawl along the bottom of the ocean or on land,
or swim like an eel. The larger of the species can grow to about 6 feet
And one of the most fascinating facts about the lungfish is that it
can live out of water for months at a time in burrows of hardened mud
under a dried-up streambed, sealing themselves in a mucous-lined burrow.
During this time, they have the ability to greatly reduce their
metabolic rate. There are only three genera of lungfish alive today,
each found on a single continent. Aside from Africa, the lungfish can be found in Australia and South America.
Local villagers depend on this fish as a sustainable food source. In
many areas of Africa, knowing where to find food is the key to
survival. In addition to Lake Victoria, these fish typically inhabit
other large lakes in the area as well as shallow waters, such as swamps
and marshes, and can be found in rice paddies, as well. In fact,
fishermen will actually dig holes in these low swampy areas to cultivate
Native African villagers dig up the lungfishes by looking for signs
of a burrow and then wade into the boggy water and reach blindly down
into the muddy bottom, feeling for the fish. This is very tricky
business because the lungfish have very sharp teeth that can actually
take a finger off if you are not careful!
Lungfish are said to be rather strong in taste, so you either love them or hate them. In Uganda,
the lungfish is associated with men and manhood, and, therefore, only
eat lungfish. It is considered by females to be a “sister
Local favourites
Meat or chicken stews are popular in Uganda served with rice, chapatti, ugali (a stiff maize porridge) or matoke (a cooked plantain/banana mash). For a sweet dish, locals enjoy a type of doughnut called mandazi.With Uganda’s many lakes and rivers, fish are an important food. Local fish include the Nile perch, tiger fish and the ngege tilapia. A favourite recipe serves tilapia with a peanut sauce.
Soft fizzy pops are widely drunk in Uganda for cold drinks, with
lager beer the most popular alcoholic beverage. Though many Ugandans
grow coffee beans for a living, chai or tea is the favoured hot drink, brewed very sweet and milky.
Uganda’s Sharp-Toothed, Walking, & Air-Breathing Fish: The Lungfish
Celebrated for its abundant biodiversity, Uganda’s
Lake Victoria once boasted the most diverse fish environment on the
planet. And among the many species of fish living here today is the
lungfish. This unique fish is a living evolutionary example of how fish
can transition from breathing in the water to breathing air.
They get their name from their ability to breath air, using their air
bladder as a lung (as opposed to breathing through their gills), which
most fish use for buoyancy in swimming. In fact, if held underwater and
prevented from getting air, this fish can actually drown.
In terms of its appearance, the lungfish has an elongated body that
is similar to an eel, with pectoral and pelvic fins that are
thread-like, with soft scales. Using their pectoral and pelvic fins,
they have the ability to crawl along the bottom of the ocean or on land,
or swim like an eel. The larger of the species can grow to about 6 feet
And one of the most fascinating facts about the lungfish is that it
can live out of water for months at a time in burrows of hardened mud
under a dried-up streambed, sealing themselves in a mucous-lined burrow.
During this time, they have the ability to greatly reduce their
metabolic rate. There are only three genera of lungfish alive today,
each found on a single continent. Aside from Africa, the lungfish can be found in Australia and South America.
Local villagers depend on this fish as a sustainable food source. In
many areas of Africa, knowing where to find food is the key to
survival. In addition to Lake Victoria, these fish typically inhabit
other large lakes in the area as well as shallow waters, such as swamps
and marshes, and can be found in rice paddies, as well. In fact,
fishermen will actually dig holes in these low swampy areas to cultivate
Native African villagers dig up the lungfishes by looking for signs
of a burrow and then wade into the boggy water and reach blindly down
into the muddy bottom, feeling for the fish. This is very tricky
business because the lungfish have very sharp teeth that can actually
take a finger off if you are not careful!
Lungfish are said to be rather strong in taste, so you either love them or hate them. In Uganda,
the lungfish is associated with men and manhood, and, therefore, only
eat lungfish. It is considered by females to be a “sister
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Madu Kelulut Kg Ulu Legong - Majalah 3
Diterbitkan 22:26
Khasiat madu kelulut
BERPUASA secara asasnya meletihkan sekiranya melibatkan pergerakan fizikal yang banyak namun tidak mustahil seseorang mampu tampil cergas dan bertenaga melalui amalan pemakanan yang betul ketika bersahur.
Antara pemakanan yang boleh diamalkan ketika bersahur adalah makanan karbohidrat seperti roti, nasi, bubur dan kurma selain mendapatkan bekalan air yang cukup.
Selain itu pengambilan madu juga dapat membantu seseorang untuk kekal bertenaga sepanjang hari selain meningkatkan metabolisma tubuh.
Antara madu yang terbaik untuk diamalkan adalah madu kelulut kerana kajian Institut Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia (MARDI) juga menunjukkan madu lebah kelulut mengandungi pelbagai jenis asid fenolik yang berguna untuk manusia.
Menurut Penasihat Produk Bayu Kelulut, Prof. Madya Dr. Md. Azman Seeni Mohamed, pengambilan madu kelulut setiap hari menjadikan seseorang tidak mudah letih serta kandungan antioksidan dalam madu kelulut lebih tinggi berbanding madu lebah biasa. Ini dikatakan lebih baik untuk membantu mencegah sesuatu penyakit.
Tambahnya, komposisi komponen flavonoid dan finolik juga tinggi berbanding dalam madu kelulut tersebut selain berupaya membantu penghidap gastrik untuk berpuasa.
“Pengambilan madu kelulut terutama pada bulan Ramadan membantu seseorang kekal bertenaga serta mampu melaksanakan ibadah itu tanpa rasa letih sepanjang hari.
“Selain itu, pelbagai khasiat lain madu kelulut ini dalam aspek kesihatan termasuk membantu mengurangkan risiko pelbagai jenis penyakit menjadikannya pilihan ketika berbuka puasa atau bersahur,” katanya.
Beliau yang juga pensyarah di Kluster Integriti Perubatan, Institut Perubatan dan Pergigian Termaju, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) menjelaskan, madu kelulut juga berpotensi sebagai bahan yang membantu dalam rawatan kanser.
Jelasnya, kandungan dalam madu kelulut seperti asid p-coumaric sebagai contoh mengandungi bahan antioksidan yang tertinggi dan dipercayai mampu membantu mengurangkan risiko kanser perut dengan mengurangkan pembentukan bahan nitrosamin (karsinogen) diikuti asid protokatechuik dan asid vanilik manakala asid fenilpropionik, sejenis bahan utama madu kelulut juga dikatakan mampu membantu mengurangkan enzim cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) yang menyebabkan pembentukan radang semasa perkembangan kanser usus besar.
Bahan tersebut juga berkesan membantu menurunkan tahap kolestrol dalam plasma darah, hati juga mengurangkan trigliserida dalam darah.
“Madu kelulut berupaya membantu mengurangkan sel yang membentuk sel kanser serta membantu menghapuskannya
“Kajian mengenai keberkesanannya telah dilakukan di Indonesia dan India yang membuktikan pengambilan madu kelulut berupaya membanteras pembentukan sel kanser,” ujarnya.
Beliau sendiri turut menjalankan kajian mengenai khasiat madu untuk kanser sejak empat bulan lalu dengan memberi fokus kepada kanser prostat.
Bayu Kelulut ujarnya, menawarkan madu kelulut asli yang dihasilkan dari ladang seluas empat ekar (1.6 hektar) di ladang yang dikenali Bayu Kelulut Smart Digital Farm di Guar Batu Hitam Kodiang, Kedah.
Produk yang diusahakan Hisyam Yusoff itu turut mendapat pensijilan Amalan Pengilangan Baik (GMP), Sijil Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri (MeSTI) dan memperoleh perakuan jenama 1Malaysia Best.
Beliau menambah, produk keluaran Bayu Kelulut turut diserta dengan kod respon pantas (Kod QR) bagi memberi keyakinan kepada pengguna.
“Mereka hanya perlu mengimbas kod QR pada setiap produk madu kelulut keluaran kami dan daripada situ akan keluar maklumat kepada pengguna untuk membuktikan kualiti produk,” katanya.
Madu sebagai makanan tambahan menghadapi penyakit kanser
SEBAIK dikesan menghidap kanser nodus limfa (lymph nodes) tahap tiga pada 2013, Muhammad Zulhilmi Abdul Rahman mula menjadi ‘penghuni tetap’ di Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) untuk mendapatkan rawatan.
Menurut Zulhilmi,26, sel kanser itu mula dikesan di bahagian perutnya sebelum merebak ke bahagian prostat sehingga terpaksa menjalani pembedahan bagi membuang sel kanser itu.
Selepas sebulan menjalani pembedahan pada Julai 2013, dia meneruskan rawatan kemoterapi sebanyak 12 pusingan selama hampir setahun sebelum sekali lagi menjalani pembedahan besar pada Jun tahun lalu.
“Sepanjang menjalani rawatan kemoterapi, keadaan saya menjadi semakin teruk apabila kanser itu dikesan berada pada tahap empat dan merebak ke bahagian buah pinggang manakala di bahagian perut saya menjadi lebih serius.
“Ketika pembedahan kali kedua, doktor yang merawat saya maklumkan peluang saya hanya 50-50 dan saya mungkin akan terlantar di atas katil sekurang-kurangnya enam bulan,” kata pekerja swasta tersebut .
Enggan mengalah, dia mendapatkan nasihat doktor mengenai langkah terbaik untuk segera sembuh dan dimaklumkan agar tidak mengambil suplemen berbentuk pil atau cecair kerana akan memburukkan lagi keadaannya.
Namun jelasnya, doktor menyarankan agar dia mengamalkan suplemen tradisional iaitu daun belalai gajah, biji aprikot dan madu.
“Tapi pada masa itu saya hilang selera makan dan daun belalai gajah serta biji aprikot bukanlah pilihan terbaik untuk saya jadi saya mula mengamalkan madu.
“Pada mulanya saya mengamalkan sejenis madu yang berharga RM400 untuk sekilogram namun kerana harganya yang mahal, saya memikirkan alternatif untuk madu yang lebih murah.
“Ketika itulah saya diperkenalkan dengan madu kelulut keluaran syarikat Bayu Kelulut ini oleh stokis produk itu dan Alhamdulillah ia serasi dengan saya,” ujarnya.
Tambah Zulhilmi, madu kelulut itu sebenarnya dibeli oleh ibu saudaranya yang menghidap diabetes kronik sehingga matanya rabun.
Namun pengambilan madu sebagai makanan tambahan banyak membantu penglihatan yang kembali terang.
Perkara itu mendorong dia semakin bersemangat untuk mencuba madu kelulut dan terbukti ada kesan positif hanya selepas sebulan mengamalkan madu itu.
“Saya mampu kembali bertugas selepas sebulan menjalani pembedahan dan tidak lagi perlu menjalani kemoterapi.
“Syukur kepada Allah saya diperkenalkan dengan produk ini, ia membantu dalam menghadapi masalah penyakit ini saya tidak lagi mengembang,” katanya.
Menyedari khasiat yang ada pada madu kelulut, Zulhilmi kini turut menjadi pengedar produk Bayu Kelulut di sekitar
Lembah Klang dan mereka yang berminat mendapatkan produk itu, boleh menghubunginya di talian 019-5258268.
Artikel Penuh: http://www.utusan.com.my/gaya-hidup/kesihatan/khasiat-8232-madu-kelulut-1.111110#ixzz4vArp0Agp
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd
Sunday, 8 October 2017
JJCM 2017: Labuan Part 2 [FULL]
Diterbitkan 02:48
1 ekor ikan tuna dipotong dan dibersihkan
1 biji bwg besar dihiris*
5 ulas bwg putih diketuk dan dihiris*
1/2 sdu teh halba*
1/2 sdu teh bji sawi*
5 tangkai daun kari*
sedikit kunyit serbuk *
1 peket kecil rempah kari ikan babas
1 peket kecil rempah kari daging babas
sedikit air asam jawa
21/2 cwn santan
sedikit garam dan perasa @ gula (optional)
7 tangkai kacang bendi
sedikit myk utk menumis
1. Panaskan periuk. Addkan bhn yang bertanda*.Masak sehingga naik bau.
2. Bila bahan tumis dah naik bau addkan rempah kari daging dan rmpah kari ikan.Kacau rata.
3. Biarkan semua bahan tumisan naik myk.Addkan air asam jawa.Kacau rata lagi.
4. Bila rempah tumisan dah terbit myk addkan ikan.Gaul rata dan perlahan.Biar rempah
meresap bersama ikan.
5. Bila bahan rempah dan serata bersama ikan addkan santan dan kacau perlahan-lahan.
6. Biar santan mendidih dan kuah kari memekat.
7. Bila kuah dah memekat addkan garam dan perasa(optional).
8. Addkan kacang bendi.Kacau rata dan angkat.
9. Sedia utk dihidangkan.http://secuitrasaumiejazz.blogspot.my/2013/10/kari-ikan-tuna.html
1 ekor ikan tuna dipotong dan dibersihkan
1 biji bwg besar dihiris*
5 ulas bwg putih diketuk dan dihiris*
1/2 sdu teh halba*
1/2 sdu teh bji sawi*
5 tangkai daun kari*
sedikit kunyit serbuk *
1 peket kecil rempah kari ikan babas
1 peket kecil rempah kari daging babas
sedikit air asam jawa
21/2 cwn santan
sedikit garam dan perasa @ gula (optional)
7 tangkai kacang bendi
sedikit myk utk menumis
1. Panaskan periuk. Addkan bhn yang bertanda*.Masak sehingga naik bau.
2. Bila bahan tumis dah naik bau addkan rempah kari daging dan rmpah kari ikan.Kacau rata.
3. Biarkan semua bahan tumisan naik myk.Addkan air asam jawa.Kacau rata lagi.
4. Bila rempah tumisan dah terbit myk addkan ikan.Gaul rata dan perlahan.Biar rempah
meresap bersama ikan.
5. Bila bahan rempah dan serata bersama ikan addkan santan dan kacau perlahan-lahan.
6. Biar santan mendidih dan kuah kari memekat.
7. Bila kuah dah memekat addkan garam dan perasa(optional).
8. Addkan kacang bendi.Kacau rata dan angkat.
9. Sedia utk dihidangkan.http://secuitrasaumiejazz.blogspot.my/2013/10/kari-ikan-tuna.html
Saturday, 7 October 2017
Kerapu Gergasi Ah Tiong - Majalah 3 (8 May 2017)
Diterbitkan 18:39
Kerapu Tiga Rasa
– 1 ekor ikan kerapu, 800gram
– 8 biji cili merah – kisar
– 6 biji bawang merah, cincang
– 3 biji bawang putih, cincang
– 2 biji tomato, potong dadu
– 1 cawan air asam jawa
– 2 sudu besar cili boh
– 3 sudu sos tiram
– 2 sudu sos ikan
– Serbuk kunyit
– Daun ketumbar
– Garam, serbuk perasa secukup rasa
– Minyak
1. Lumur ikan dengan garam, serbuk kunyit, cili boh dan tepung jagung. Goreng dan setelah garing, ketepikan.
2. Panaskan minyak dan masukkan bawang putih, goreng sehingga separuh kekuningan. Masukkan bawang merah dan kacau sehingga naik bau.
3. Masukkan cili merah yang telah dikisar dan kacau seketika. Kemudian masukkan sos tiram, sos ikan, gula, garam, bahan perasa, air asam jawa dan tepung jagung yang telah dibancuh dengan air dan tomato.
4. Apabila sudah masak, tuang ramuan tadi ke atas ikan dan hiaskan dengan daun ketumbar.
Kalau ada siakap, bolehlah cuba siakap tiga rasa. Tukar je ikannya!!http://www.eresipi.com/kerapu-tiga-rasa/
Ikan Kerapu Stim Ala Thai
Ikan Siakap Masak Stim Ala Thai
Oleh: Azie Kitchen
1 ekor ikan siakap - belah depan
2 batang serai - ketuk
1 biji bawang besar - hiris
4 ulas bawang putih - hiris
8 biji cili padi - ketuk
2 inci halia muda - hiris panjang
1 kiub pati ikan bilis
3 biji limau kasturi/nipis - hiris dan juga perah jus
5 helai daun limau purut - buang urat & hiris kasar
2-3 biji bawang putih jeruk - buang kulit
1/2 batang saderi - hiris nipis
Bahan Sos:
2 sudu besar sos ikan
1 sudu besar kicap cair
3-4 sudu besar sos tiram
Sedikit air
Bahan Lain:
1 sudu besar tepung jagung - bancuh dengan sedikit air
Gula/serbuk perasa
Bahan Tabur
Daun ketumbar, daun bawang - hiris
1 biji cili merah - hiris
Cara cara:
Panaskan air dalam pengukus sehingga mendidih. Masukkan semua bahan hiris dan bahan sos ke dalam pinggan pengukus. Letakkan bahan hiris sebahagian di bawah ikan.
Kukus dalam 5-10 minit atau sehingga ikan masak. Masukkan air bancuhan tepung dan garam serta gula. Rasakan dulu masinnya, sebelum ditambah garam.
Kukus lagi dalam 1 minit. Tutup api dan tabur cili merah dan daun ketumbar. Bolehlah dihidangkan. http://www.aziekitchen.com/2014/06/ikan-kerapu-stim-ala-thai.html
– 1 ekor ikan kerapu, 800gram
– 8 biji cili merah – kisar
– 6 biji bawang merah, cincang
– 3 biji bawang putih, cincang
– 2 biji tomato, potong dadu
– 1 cawan air asam jawa
– 2 sudu besar cili boh
– 3 sudu sos tiram
– 2 sudu sos ikan
– Serbuk kunyit
– Daun ketumbar
– Garam, serbuk perasa secukup rasa
– Minyak
1. Lumur ikan dengan garam, serbuk kunyit, cili boh dan tepung jagung. Goreng dan setelah garing, ketepikan.
2. Panaskan minyak dan masukkan bawang putih, goreng sehingga separuh kekuningan. Masukkan bawang merah dan kacau sehingga naik bau.
3. Masukkan cili merah yang telah dikisar dan kacau seketika. Kemudian masukkan sos tiram, sos ikan, gula, garam, bahan perasa, air asam jawa dan tepung jagung yang telah dibancuh dengan air dan tomato.
4. Apabila sudah masak, tuang ramuan tadi ke atas ikan dan hiaskan dengan daun ketumbar.
Kalau ada siakap, bolehlah cuba siakap tiga rasa. Tukar je ikannya!!http://www.eresipi.com/kerapu-tiga-rasa/
Ikan Kerapu Stim Ala Thai
Ikan Siakap Masak Stim Ala Thai
Oleh: Azie Kitchen
1 ekor ikan siakap - belah depan
2 batang serai - ketuk
1 biji bawang besar - hiris
4 ulas bawang putih - hiris
8 biji cili padi - ketuk
2 inci halia muda - hiris panjang
1 kiub pati ikan bilis
3 biji limau kasturi/nipis - hiris dan juga perah jus
5 helai daun limau purut - buang urat & hiris kasar
2-3 biji bawang putih jeruk - buang kulit
1/2 batang saderi - hiris nipis
Bahan Sos:
2 sudu besar sos ikan
1 sudu besar kicap cair
3-4 sudu besar sos tiram
Sedikit air
Bahan Lain:
1 sudu besar tepung jagung - bancuh dengan sedikit air
Gula/serbuk perasa
Bahan Tabur
Daun ketumbar, daun bawang - hiris
1 biji cili merah - hiris
Cara cara:
Panaskan air dalam pengukus sehingga mendidih. Masukkan semua bahan hiris dan bahan sos ke dalam pinggan pengukus. Letakkan bahan hiris sebahagian di bawah ikan.
Kukus dalam 5-10 minit atau sehingga ikan masak. Masukkan air bancuhan tepung dan garam serta gula. Rasakan dulu masinnya, sebelum ditambah garam.
Kukus lagi dalam 1 minit. Tutup api dan tabur cili merah dan daun ketumbar. Bolehlah dihidangkan. http://www.aziekitchen.com/2014/06/ikan-kerapu-stim-ala-thai.html
Friday, 6 October 2017
Khazanah Royal Belum - Majalah 3
Diterbitkan 19:42
Resipi Masak Ikan Kelah Lemak Cili Padi
● 1 ekor ikan kelah
● 2 batang serai, ditumbuk hujungnya
● 2 helai daun kunyit, disiat-siat
● 600 ml santan cair
● 200 ml santan pekat
● 8 - 10 biji limau kasturi, ambil jusnya
● Garam secukup rasa
● 15-20 biji cili padi kampung, boleh ditambah jika suka
● 1 inci kunyit hidup
● Sehelai daun kunyit, disiat-siatkan dan disimpulkan
● Secekak pucuk ubi, ambil pucuk dan rebus dengan garam & toskan
1. Ikan kelah disiang tanpa buang sisik cuma dibersihkan dan diperap bersama garam dan cuci sedikit dengan jus limau kasturi selama 10 - 15 minit. Cuci kembali dan toskan. Kemudian ketepikan.
2. Tumbuk cili api bersama kunyit hidup dan garam. Masukkan ke dalam periuk.
3. Masukkan serai yang telah dititik dan santan cair, kacau dan tunggu hingga mendidih.
4. Masukkan ikan kelah dan tambah santan pekat. Bila sudah mendidih masukkan pula daun kunyit, pucuk ubi yang telah direbus dan masukkan garam secukupnya.
5. Biar mendidih perlahan dalam 10 minit dan tuang jus limau kasturi dan biarkan mendidih lagi sambil dikacau perlahan.
6. Apabila sudah rasa garam ok baru dipadamkan api. Hidangkan ketika panas.http://koleksi-info.blogspot.my/2016/01/resipi-masak-ikan-kelah-lemak-cili-padi.html
● Ikan kaloi
● 4 biji bawang merah - dikisar
● 3 ulas bawang putih - dikisar
● 3 sudu besar cili kering kisar
● 1 tomato dicincang
● Sedikit belacan
● 1 serai dititik
● Garam dan gula secukup rasa
● 1 biji limau kasturi - ambik jus
Cara-caranya :
1. Ikan lumurkan sedikit serbuk kunyit dan garam, digoreng hingga masak agak garing.
2. Tumis bahan-bahan kisar hingga wangi.
3. Masukkan tomato cincang dan kacau hingga hancur, masukkan serai, belacan garam dan gula secukup rasa.
4. Masukkan ikan goreng tadi dan gaul sebati.
5. Masukkan jus limau dan sedia utk dihidangkan.http://karyaku-paridahishak.blogspot.my/2015/10/ikan-kaloi-goreng-berlada.html
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Tajur Baung Tunggal - Majalah 3
Diterbitkan 17:20
Ikan Baung atau nama saintifiknya Mystus spp. adalah tergolong dalam ikan air tawar yang terdapat di negara-negara ASEAN termasuk di Malaysia.
Ikan baung terdapat dalam sungai termasuk sungai Kalimantan Tengah
dan ukurannya mampu mencapai 20 kg. Umpan yang digunakan untuk memancing
ikan ini biasanya adalah induk semut (rangrang)
yang berwarna hijau terang, satu kail biasanya dikaitkan 5 hingga 10
ekor induk semut tersebut, atau mengunakan cacing tanah yang besar atau
usus ayam. Menurut penduduk setempat ikan baung sekitar 60-an ke bawah
memancing ikan ini dengan sabun.
Ikan baung biasanya dielakkan sekiranya berlaku kecelakaan di sungai
karena pernah dijumpai jari manusia di dalam perut ikan baung. Tapi
rasa ikan baung ini tidak ada bandingnya apalagi selepas dibakar atau
dipesmol (acar kuning).https://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikan_Baung
Masak Tempoyak Ikan Patin Resepi Asli Temerloh
Bahan bahan:
1 ekor patin saiz sederhana
2 senduk tempoyak
4 cawan air - agak agak pekat kuah disukai
1 biji cili merah - opsyenal untuk bagi kuah merah jer
Segenggam cili padi merah - ikut pedas disukai
1 inci kunyit hidup
Secekak daun kesum
Sedikit garam
Cara cara:
TumbukCara cara:
cili merah, cili padi dan kunyit hidup. Jangan sampai terlalu hancur
pulak. Kemudian masukkan tempoyak dan ditumbuk supaya bergaul rata.
Masukkan ikan dan kesemua bahan ke dalam periuk. Masaklah dengan api perlahan sehingga ianya merenih dan menggelegak
Setelah menggelegak, masukkan daun kesum. Masak dalam 2-3 minit sahaja dan bolehlah tutup api.http://www.aziekitchen.com/2014/01/masak-tempoyak-ikan-patin-resepi-asli.html
Friday, 29 September 2017
JJCM 2017: Labuan Part 1 [FULL]
Jalan-jalan cari makan 2017
sumber: tv3
Bihun Sup Ikan Kerapu Chinese Style
500gm ikan kerapu - potong keping2 dan gaul dengan tepung, garam serta kunyit. Goreng hingga kekuningan.
3 sudu tepung gandum
serbuk kunyit
Bihun kasar - celur untuk melembutkannya
Bawang Goreng
Rempah 4 sekawan
Bawang Merah - hiris
Bawang Putih - hiris
Daun Bawang - potong panjang2
Halia - hiris
Air secukupnya
1 biji Tomato - potong kiub
1 batang English Celery - potong kecil
1 batang bawang (Leek) - potong kecil
Daun Sup
Daun Bawang
* Tumiskan bawang, halia dan rempah 4 sekawan sehingga naik bau atau kekuningan. Masukkan air dan daun bawang. masukkan sayur-sayuran dan perasakan. Bila dah masak tutupkan api, masukkan bihun dan ikan yang telah digoreng. Hidang dan hias dengan bawang goreng, daun sup dan daun bawang.https://nasamulia.blogspot.my/2012/11/bihun-sup-ikan-kerapu-chinese-style.html
Resepi Soto Makasar Sandakan
1kg Daging
1kg Perut Lembu
1 kg Hati paru lembu
1kg kacang tanah (Goreng tanpa minyak, blend)
Rempah Sup ( Kena fikir sendiri berapa banyak yg bersesuaian )
Bawang Putih, BAwang Besar & Bawang Merah
Susu Cair / Santan
Kicap Pekat
Cili api ( Untuk sambal goreng dimakan dengan coto)
Minyak masak ( Untuk goreng cili api )
Bihun/ Nasi himpit
Garam & Serbuk perisa
Limau Kasturi
Bawang Goreng
Daun Sup
Halia, Lengkuas & Serai (Diblend)
Buah Keras diblend
Daging/Perut/Hati paru – Dipotong2, Dibasuh dengan bersih, kemudian Direbus 2 kali. Rebusan pertama dibuang airnya. Kemudian rebusan kedua dijadikan kuah coto. Masukkan rempah, bawang2 yang telah ditumbuk lumat,bahan2 yang telah diblend dan kacang tanah yang telah diblend. Masak hingga hempuk/ lembut. Masukkan air untuk tambahan kuah coto kemudian masukkan susu cair/garam/penambah perisa gula & kicap pekat. Tunggu hingga mendidih dan matikan api.
Rebus beras nasi himpit hingga masak. Sejukkan dan potong kiub.
Celur bihun dan toskan.
Goreng bawang yang telah ditumbuk lumat dan masukkan cili api yang telah ditumbuk lumat, masukkan garam/ serbuk perisa & gula.
Hidangkan dalam mangkuk dengan ditabur dengan bawang goreng & daun suphttps://jymab.wordpress.com/2011/04/14/resepi-soto-makasar-sandakan/
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Cari Makan Bersama BloggerBar - Grease, Shah Alam
Diterbitkan 19:48
Dalam sedutan video "Cari Makan Bersama BloggerBar" kali ini kami akan
bawa anda ke sebuah restoran Western iaitu Grease Cheesesteak & More
di Seksyen 13, Shah Alam. Hat Ni Yang Kita Mau! Ingin kami viralkan
kisah anda?
Dalam sedutan video "Cari Makan Bersama BloggerBar" kali ini kami akan
bawa anda ke sebuah restoran Western iaitu Grease Cheesesteak & More
di Seksyen 13, Shah Alam. Hat Ni Yang Kita Mau! Ingin kami viralkan
kisah anda?
Saturday, 23 September 2017
Rezeki Rumah Rakit - Majalah 3
Diterbitkan 01:20
Ikan Ketutu, belontok atau ikan hantu (bahasa Inggeris: Marble Sleeper atau Marble Goby dan dalam bahasa Kantonis Soon Hock), nama saintifiknya Oxyeleotris marmorata adalah tergolong dalam ikan air tawar yang terdapat di negara-negara Asia Tenggara.
Habitat utamanya adalah di kawasan yang cetek seperti di gigi-gigi air
iaitu berhampiran dengan tebing sungai, tasik dan lombong-lombong
tinggal. Haiwan ini adalah dikategorikan sebagai ikan pemangsa, namun
demikian ianya adalah ikan yang sangat malas untuk memburu mangsanya. Ia
lebih suka menunggu mangsa yang berenang berhampiran lalu membahamnya
apabila dikira sudah cukup hampir. Dengan warna dan coraknya yang
berceloreng itu membuatkan ikan ini sangat pandai menyamar dan
bersembunyi di balik atau bawah batu-batu atau dedaunan mahupun kayu.
Ianya sangat aktif diwaktu malam, adakalanya ia keluar dari tempat
persembunyian untuk mencari mangsa. Diet semulajadi ikan ini ialah
ikan-ikan kecil termasuk anak-anak ikan, udang, cacing mahupun ulat.
Ikan ini mempunyai sikap tamak yang menyebabkan ia mudah ditangkap
apabila lokasinya telah dikenal pasti oleh pemburunya. Ikan ini boleh
dijerat dengan menggunakan bubu tradisional atau pun bubu yang direka
khas dengan menggunakan batang paip yang diletakkan umpan ikan hidup
seperti anak-anak ikan koi di dalamnya.https://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikan_Ketutu
Friday, 22 September 2017
Diterbitkan 02:48
Malaysia has some of the best Satay in the world, so we just had to go
and grab some! Come with us as we head on down to Sate Kajang Hj Samuri
in Damansara Utama to have a real satay feast!
Sate Kajang Hj Samuri has it's original store in Kajang, a place
synonymous with Satay here in Malaysia, and this place is probably the
most famous Satay restaurant here in Kuala Lumpur.
We tried the Sate Ayam (Chicken), Daging (Beef), Ikan (Fish), Kambing
(Mutton) and Arnab (Rabbit) and they were all amazing! To accompany our
satay as well, we had Nasi Impit, Ketupat, Sambal and of course Peanut
Sauce, and all of it compliments the satay sooo much! We will definitely
be back soon to grab some more Satay here in Malaysia.
Malaysia has some of the best Satay in the world, so we just had to go
and grab some! Come with us as we head on down to Sate Kajang Hj Samuri
in Damansara Utama to have a real satay feast!
Sate Kajang Hj Samuri has it's original store in Kajang, a place
synonymous with Satay here in Malaysia, and this place is probably the
most famous Satay restaurant here in Kuala Lumpur.
We tried the Sate Ayam (Chicken), Daging (Beef), Ikan (Fish), Kambing
(Mutton) and Arnab (Rabbit) and they were all amazing! To accompany our
satay as well, we had Nasi Impit, Ketupat, Sambal and of course Peanut
Sauce, and all of it compliments the satay sooo much! We will definitely
be back soon to grab some more Satay here in Malaysia.
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Diterbitkan 21:10
We are big fans of Malay food and today we're trying a typical
traditional Malaysian Breakfast, consisting of Nasi Lemak Bungkus, Roti
Canai, Telur & Boom, Milo Ais and a Teh Tarik.
We're at Al Bidayah in TTDI Taman Tun Dr Ismail near where we live in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
We love Nasi Lemak, it's by far one of the best breakfasts in the world,
and tasting all the roti's was so much fun. Of course to drink we had
to pick up Malaysia's favourite, Teh Tarik 'Pulled Tea'.
We are big fans of Malay food and today we're trying a typical
traditional Malaysian Breakfast, consisting of Nasi Lemak Bungkus, Roti
Canai, Telur & Boom, Milo Ais and a Teh Tarik.
We're at Al Bidayah in TTDI Taman Tun Dr Ismail near where we live in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
We love Nasi Lemak, it's by far one of the best breakfasts in the world,
and tasting all the roti's was so much fun. Of course to drink we had
to pick up Malaysia's favourite, Teh Tarik 'Pulled Tea'.
Sunday, 17 September 2017
Akhirnya TERJAWAB Punca SEBENAR KES Kebakaran Tahfiz! KRONOALOGI & Sidang Media Ketua Polis KL
Diterbitkan 21:43
Akhirnya TERJAWAB Punca SEBENAR KES Kebakaran Tahfiz! KRONOLOGI &
Sidang Media Ketua Polis KL
MEMILUKAN!!! Saksi Kejadian CERITA APA yang BERLAKU di DALAM ketika
kejadian Tahfiz Terbakar!
Saksi kejadian kebakaran, Mohd Arif Mawardy, 24, kakitangan pengurusan
Pusat Tahfiz Ittifaqiyah.
Lintas langsung tragedi kebakaran Pusat Tahfiz Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah
di Datuk Keramat, Kuala Lumpur
Sidang media Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Noor Rashid Ibrahim
yang mengesahkan, 23 mangsa maut (21 pelajar, 2 warden) dalam kejadian
kebakaran di Pusat Tahfiz Ittifaqiyah, hari ini. - Harian Metro
Pusat tahfiz terbakar, lebih 20 terkorban [VIDEO]
Pusat Tahfiz Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah Datuk Keramat Terbakar
Pusat Tahfiz di Kg Keramat Terbakar pada 14/09/2017.
Madrasah terbakar ketika azan subuh . boleh dengar raungan budak dalam
Keluar Melalui TINGKAP guna Salur PAIP!
Tahfiz Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah terbakar
perkembangan tragedi kebakaran Pusat Tahfiz Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah
Saturday, 16 September 2017
Thursday, 7 September 2017
Tasty Treat: Ikan Bawal Goreng / Fried Pomfret Fish
Diterbitkan 20:46
Ikan Bawal Goreng (Cadangan Hidangan : 4 – 5 orang)
400g (1 ekor) Ikan bawal hitam (dibersih dan dikelar)
½ Sudu Kecil AJI-NO-MOTO®
½ Sudu Kecil Garam
Cara Memasak:
1. Perapkan ikan dengan AJI-NO-MOTO® dan garam.
2. Tuangkan minyak ke atas ikan dan sapukannya dengan rata, diketepikan selama 10 minit.
3. Panaskan kuali tidak melekat tanpa minyak.
4. Gorengkan ikan sehingga garing.
5. Hidangkan ikan dengan cili dan kicap.
Tip: Tuangkan minyak ke atas ikan dan sapukannya dengan rata sebelum goreng boleh mengurangkan penggunaan minyak.
Fried Pomfret Fish (Serving Suggestion: 4 - 5 pax)
400g (1 piece)
Black pomfret fish (cleaned and slashed)
½ Teaspoon AJI-NO-MOTO®
½ Teaspoon Salt
Sufficient Oil
Cooking Methods:
1. Seasoned the fish with AJI-NO-MOTO® and salt
2. Coated some oil on the fish and set aside for 10 minutes.
3. Heat up the non-stick pan without oil.
4. Fry fish until golden brown.
5. Serve with chilies and soy sauces.
Tip: Add on some oil on the fish before cooking can reduce oil consumption.
Ikan Bawal Goreng (Cadangan Hidangan : 4 – 5 orang)
400g (1 ekor) Ikan bawal hitam (dibersih dan dikelar)
½ Sudu Kecil AJI-NO-MOTO®
½ Sudu Kecil Garam
Cara Memasak:
1. Perapkan ikan dengan AJI-NO-MOTO® dan garam.
2. Tuangkan minyak ke atas ikan dan sapukannya dengan rata, diketepikan selama 10 minit.
3. Panaskan kuali tidak melekat tanpa minyak.
4. Gorengkan ikan sehingga garing.
5. Hidangkan ikan dengan cili dan kicap.
Tip: Tuangkan minyak ke atas ikan dan sapukannya dengan rata sebelum goreng boleh mengurangkan penggunaan minyak.
Fried Pomfret Fish (Serving Suggestion: 4 - 5 pax)
400g (1 piece)
Black pomfret fish (cleaned and slashed)
½ Teaspoon AJI-NO-MOTO®
½ Teaspoon Salt
Sufficient Oil
Cooking Methods:
1. Seasoned the fish with AJI-NO-MOTO® and salt
2. Coated some oil on the fish and set aside for 10 minutes.
3. Heat up the non-stick pan without oil.
4. Fry fish until golden brown.
5. Serve with chilies and soy sauces.
Tip: Add on some oil on the fish before cooking can reduce oil consumption.
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
Rempah Kari Ikan Tok Ma Rempah Asli Terengganu
Diterbitkan 20:04
Tok Ma Berkongsi Resepi, Cara Memasak dan Petua untuk Memasak Kari Ikan Asli Terenggau. Degan Menggunakan Rempah "Tok Ma".
Rempah 100% Asli... Tanpa Perasa Tiruan... Diolah Sediri Oleh Tok Ma. Special from Terengganu...
Tok Ma Berkongsi Resepi, Cara Memasak dan Petua untuk Memasak Kari Ikan Asli Terenggau. Degan Menggunakan Rempah "Tok Ma".
Rempah 100% Asli... Tanpa Perasa Tiruan... Diolah Sediri Oleh Tok Ma. Special from Terengganu...
Resepi :
- 1 kilogram daging (ayam dan daging)
- 1 Paket rempah Gulai Ayam/Daging
- 1 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit
- 2 sudu besar kerisik
- 2 cawan santan
- 1/4 cawan air asam jawa
- 2 sudu besar cili boh
- 1/4 cawan minyak masak
- garam dan gula secukup rasa
Resepi :
- 1 kilogram ikan tongkol (dipotong 3cm tebal)
- 1 Paket rempah Gulai Nasi Dagang Tok Ma
- Cili merah/hijau
- 1 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit
- 1 sudu kecil kerisik
- 2 cawan santan
- 2 sudu besar cili boh
- garam dan gula Melaka secukup rasa
- 2 keping asam gelugor
Resepi :Bahan-bahan:- 1 kilogram daging
- 1 Paket rempah Gulai Nasi Minyak Tok Ma
- 2 biji ubi kentang
- 1/2 cawan susus cair
- 1/2 cawan sos tomato
- 30 gram bawang goreng
- 2 sudu besar kerisik
- 1helai daun pandan
- garam dan gula Melaka secukup rasa
- 2 sudu besar minyak sapi
- 1/4 cawan minyak masak
- Cili boh (ikut citarasa)
Resepi :Bahan-bahan: - 1 kilogram daging
- 1 Paket rempah Kari Daging Tok Ma
- 2 cawan santan
- 3 tangkai daun kari
- 1/2 cawan air asam jawa
- 1/2 cawan minyak untuk menumis
Resepi :Bahan-bahan:- 1 kilogram ikan
- 1 Paket rempah Kari Daging Tok Ma
- 2 cawan santan
- 3 tangkai daun kari
- 1/2 cawan air asam jawa
- 1/2 cawan minyak untuk menumis
- garam dan gula secukup rasa
Resepi :Bahan-bahan:- 1 kilogram ayam/daging (dipotong besar)
- 1 Paket rempah Kerutub Tok Ma
- 2 sudu besar cili boh
- 2 cawan santan
- 2 sudu besar kerisik
- 2 biji cili hidup
- 2 batang serai (dititik)
- 1/4 cawan air asam jawa
- garam dan gula Melaka secukup rasa
- 2 labu bawang besar dipotong empat
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Famous Ketoprak in Jakarta!
Diterbitkan 18:32
Ketoprak is one of the most famous Indonesian street food dishes in Jakarta, and it’s available throughout the city, often from street food carts. In this video, I went to one of the most famous restaurants in all of Jakarta, known as Ketoprak Ciragil, for a taste of their legendary ketoprak. I arrived quite early, way before any meal rush, and the semi-indoor restaurant was already packed with customers, especially people grabbing takeaway ketoprak to deliver to customers. After navigating my way in, I saw them adding fried tofu, noodles, and a mix of other ingredients, and then mixing in their special peanut sauce, and finally finishing the ketoprak with a fried egg all on top, and a handful of crackers.
The ketoprak was a little sweet, but it was still remarkably delicious. It was such a simple mixture of ingredients, but they all went so well together. What really made the ketoprak at Ketoprak Ciragil for me was the fried egg on top, mixed with the peanut sauce. Along with one of the best versions of ketoprak in Jakarta, the restaurant is also just a pretty cool place to go and hang out for a light meal or snack.
Ketoprak is one of the most famous Indonesian street food dishes in Jakarta, and it’s available throughout the city, often from street food carts. In this video, I went to one of the most famous restaurants in all of Jakarta, known as Ketoprak Ciragil, for a taste of their legendary ketoprak. I arrived quite early, way before any meal rush, and the semi-indoor restaurant was already packed with customers, especially people grabbing takeaway ketoprak to deliver to customers. After navigating my way in, I saw them adding fried tofu, noodles, and a mix of other ingredients, and then mixing in their special peanut sauce, and finally finishing the ketoprak with a fried egg all on top, and a handful of crackers.
The ketoprak was a little sweet, but it was still remarkably delicious. It was such a simple mixture of ingredients, but they all went so well together. What really made the ketoprak at Ketoprak Ciragil for me was the fried egg on top, mixed with the peanut sauce. Along with one of the best versions of ketoprak in Jakarta, the restaurant is also just a pretty cool place to go and hang out for a light meal or snack.
Friday, 18 August 2017
Nasi Goreng: Indonesian Fried Rice
Diterbitkan 19:24
Vegan Indonesian Nasi Goreng(Fried Rice)
Serve 6-8
Printable Recipe
6 cups cooked White Basmati Rice (leftover cold rice)
Note: If rice is made the same day, put it in the fridge for 3-4 hours before using.
2 cups soy chicken such as Gardein, Soy Curls (rehydrated), or smoked baked tofu, small cubed
1 cup vegan shrimps, diced (optional)
2 cups shelled edamame, thawed
2 1/2 cups shallots or onion, slice thinly
1 - 2 red jalapenos, chopped (reduced or opt out for less spicy)
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 Tbsp. Safflower or Canola Oil
1/4 cup vegetable broth
4 green onions, slice thinly
6 Tbsp. Sambal Tomat or 3 Tbsp Sambal Oelek/Chili Garlic Sauce
Note: My sambal tomat is less hot than store-bought sambal. To reduce heat, cut it in half.
2 Tbsp. Toyomansi or Vegan Fish Sauce replacement or Bragg's Liquid Aminos
5 Tbsp. Kecap manis
1/2 tsp. salt or to taste
1/2 tsp. ground white pepper
Veggie Chips or Garlic Chips
Tomato slices
Cucumber Slices
Homemade scrambled tofu (optional)
Brambang Goreng or Fried Shallots
- Break down the cold rice with fingers so rice is loose and dry. Make sure that all clumps are broken down. Set aside.
- Heat wok on top of medium high heat. Add oil and swirl the oil around to cover wok surfaces.
- Add shallots/onions. Stir fry until they are fragrant and limp. Then add garlic and chopped red chili.
- Stir fry more until onions/shallots are a bit brown. Add soy chicken/seitan/soy curls/tofu to the wok. Add the vegan shrimps, if using.
- Stir fry some more and add vegetable broth when things start to stick into the wok.
- Add sambal, toyomansi/liquid aminos/fish sauce replacement, kecap manis. Combine with stir fried ingredients. Stir fry until sauce ingredients are combined well with all other ingredients.
- Gradually add rice and shelled edamame to the work and mix well with the stir fried ingredients in the wok. Taste and add salt and white pepper. Add more kecap manis, toyomansi, and sambal if necessary.
- When everything is combined well and taste delicious. Mix in the green onions. Combine well and take it off heat.
- Serve with fried shallots on top and scrambled tofu, tomato slices, cucumber slices, and veggie or garlic chips on the side.
- http://spiceislandvegan.blogspot.my/2013/04/vegan-indonesian-nasi-goreng-fried-rice.html
Saturday, 12 August 2017
Amazing Betawi Food (WARNING: Stink Beans & Jengkol)
Diterbitkan 19:25
When I was in Jakarta, along with eating all sorts of regional Indonesian food from around the country, I really wanted to eat a full spread of Betawi dishes, which are the people originally from the Jakarta area.
When I was in Jakarta, along with eating all sorts of regional Indonesian food from around the country, I really wanted to eat a full spread of Betawi dishes, which are the people originally from the Jakarta area.
Friday, 11 August 2017
How to Regrow Hair Naturally
Diterbitkan 22:00
If you really want to know how to regrow hair naturally you must first find out the main source of the problem. Because unless you do, all you will be doing is coming back and forth in between solutions but not really going anywhere. In fact you might up doing just more harm than good.
There are many factors that can attribute to hair recession or massive hair fall and you need to find out which one exactly is responsible for the problem you are having now. Of course male pattern baldness is still the most common cause, but what if you are a woman? This is the reason why you will need to really dig down and see the source of your problem.
Other causes of hair loss may include; severe mental or emotional stress, excessive use of coloring or bleaching agents, traction alopecia or excessive strain on the scalp due to braiding or corn rowing, hormonal changes, alopecia areata or hair loss due to autoimmune diseases, and many more. Each of these conditions will require a different approach in order to achieve success regardless of whether you’re going to be using conventional or natural methods.
The reason why it’s much better to use natural methods as opposed to conventional ones is simple – they’re cheaper, have less to no side effects, and oftentimes more effective. If you’ve been dealing with the problem long enough you’ve probably tried products like, Minoxidil, laser therapy, PUVA or Psoralen Ultra-Violet Radiation, or even Propecia – most, if not all of which, has certain uncomfortable side effects or requires you to continually set time aside for treatment sessions that can also be painful and expensive.
Yes, taking the natural route is much safer but it is not without certain risks as well which is why you will still need to do a bit of research before you try one particular product. But know it or not, you can even actually start the treatment without having to purchase anything. Changing your diet over to low fat high fiber will actually already do a lot in terms of promoting hair renewal and growth. You’ll want to concentrate more on food which contain biotins which plays an important role in maintaining healthy hair as well.
If you are in need of more information regarding how to regrow hair naturally one book that has plenty of information can be found at totalhairregrowth.com and will prove to be of great help to your search.
There are many factors that can attribute to hair recession or massive hair fall and you need to find out which one exactly is responsible for the problem you are having now. Of course male pattern baldness is still the most common cause, but what if you are a woman? This is the reason why you will need to really dig down and see the source of your problem.
Other causes of hair loss may include; severe mental or emotional stress, excessive use of coloring or bleaching agents, traction alopecia or excessive strain on the scalp due to braiding or corn rowing, hormonal changes, alopecia areata or hair loss due to autoimmune diseases, and many more. Each of these conditions will require a different approach in order to achieve success regardless of whether you’re going to be using conventional or natural methods.
The reason why it’s much better to use natural methods as opposed to conventional ones is simple – they’re cheaper, have less to no side effects, and oftentimes more effective. If you’ve been dealing with the problem long enough you’ve probably tried products like, Minoxidil, laser therapy, PUVA or Psoralen Ultra-Violet Radiation, or even Propecia – most, if not all of which, has certain uncomfortable side effects or requires you to continually set time aside for treatment sessions that can also be painful and expensive.
Yes, taking the natural route is much safer but it is not without certain risks as well which is why you will still need to do a bit of research before you try one particular product. But know it or not, you can even actually start the treatment without having to purchase anything. Changing your diet over to low fat high fiber will actually already do a lot in terms of promoting hair renewal and growth. You’ll want to concentrate more on food which contain biotins which plays an important role in maintaining healthy hair as well.
If you are in need of more information regarding how to regrow hair naturally one book that has plenty of information can be found at totalhairregrowth.com and will prove to be of great help to your search.
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
How can I stop hair loss?
Diterbitkan 18:17
This used to be a question that many dare not ask and many do not want to know the answer to. Because there weren’t a lot of methods back then and the answer that you will most likely get will be “you can’t.” Now however, things are quite different as many of today’s technological advances will be able to offer you a chance to fight back against this dreadful condition.
Before we get on to some of the methods that you use, its best that you understand more about hair loss first and why it’s occurring to you as of the moment. In reality, each and every individual actually loses hair every day. Each person loses anywhere from 50-150 follicles a day and how much they lose will depend on varying conditions. Accelerated hair loss on the other hand can be caused by numerous factors, some of which will include age, genetics, stress, or general health.
Normal hair loss isn’t cause for much concern as your body will be able to grow them back without any problems. Accelerated hair loss on the other hand is a different matter entirely as your body will not be able to keep up in growing the amount of hair that you lose every day.
There are many ways that you will be able to deal with hair loss; some will generally be by using hair growth products while others will utilize more drastic or even painful procedures like hair transplants. Medicated or herbal hair regrow shampoos flood the market each promising significant results. But as promising as this may sound, this also poses another problem – which particular product or method really is effective?
“So how can I stop hair loss?” – If you really want to know how to stop hair loss finding the answer to the question mentioned above therefore, is your first primary concern. Thankfully the internet will be able to provide you with the answers as well.
To really find out if a certain product is effective you can check various sites promoting hair regrowth products and then search the internet for related reviews or customer comments about them. This will give you a better insight on whether the product really is worth your time or not and will prevent you from experimenting with multiple products – a common practice that can even worsen the problem.
Monday, 7 August 2017
Is It Possible To Stop Hair Loss?
Diterbitkan 03:11
Well, in a sense, as technological advancements has already afforded us with so many new information regarding the issue allowing both conventional and natural fields of medication to come up with newer and more effective products and methods that will be able to help us deal with the problem. The issue of “how” however is another matter entirely as it will require you to find out the real source of your problem.
Hair loss doesn’t have a singular or common cause; it differs from one individual to the other and can be brought about by many different factors. In order to stop continual recession of hair, prevent massive hair fall and promote growth, you will need to learn which of the available factors are present in you so that you can create a more directed course of action against the problem.
But aside from the medications or treatments themselves, there are things that you will be able to do which does involve buying or taking anything. Some of these methods include:
Changing your diet:
What you put into your body will also affect how your hair grows (or falls) accordingly. By gradually transitioning over to a low fat high fiber diet and eating more foods containing Biotins for example, you will be able to slow down and stop hair loss while promoting the growth of healthy new ones.
Proper hydration:
Proper hydration is also another important factor that you might want to take note of if you really want to protect hair and prevent them from falling off. Dehydration can result to constipation, eczema, dandruff, wrinkly skin, foul breath, and hair loss. There is a reason why you are recommended to drink 8 glasses of water every day and it should be something that you really need to take seriously if you want to keep your hair thick and healthy.
Hair supplements:
Hair supplements like Ginseng, Horsetail (equisetum), Nettle, Valerian, Zinc, and Saw Palmetto have also been known to be effective in warding off hair loss and promote natural growth. Those mentioned does not even account for half of the natural hair supplements that you will be able to find and purchase as there are so many that can be given.
So is it possible to stop hair loss? Yes! The answers are already within your reach and the sooner you find out what they are the better. If you would like to know more about hair loss and the methods you can use for it, there is one particular book that will be able to teach you all that and it can be found at totalhairregrowth.com, so make sure you check it out as well.
Hair loss doesn’t have a singular or common cause; it differs from one individual to the other and can be brought about by many different factors. In order to stop continual recession of hair, prevent massive hair fall and promote growth, you will need to learn which of the available factors are present in you so that you can create a more directed course of action against the problem.
But aside from the medications or treatments themselves, there are things that you will be able to do which does involve buying or taking anything. Some of these methods include:
Changing your diet:
What you put into your body will also affect how your hair grows (or falls) accordingly. By gradually transitioning over to a low fat high fiber diet and eating more foods containing Biotins for example, you will be able to slow down and stop hair loss while promoting the growth of healthy new ones.
Proper hydration:
Proper hydration is also another important factor that you might want to take note of if you really want to protect hair and prevent them from falling off. Dehydration can result to constipation, eczema, dandruff, wrinkly skin, foul breath, and hair loss. There is a reason why you are recommended to drink 8 glasses of water every day and it should be something that you really need to take seriously if you want to keep your hair thick and healthy.
Hair supplements:
Hair supplements like Ginseng, Horsetail (equisetum), Nettle, Valerian, Zinc, and Saw Palmetto have also been known to be effective in warding off hair loss and promote natural growth. Those mentioned does not even account for half of the natural hair supplements that you will be able to find and purchase as there are so many that can be given.
So is it possible to stop hair loss? Yes! The answers are already within your reach and the sooner you find out what they are the better. If you would like to know more about hair loss and the methods you can use for it, there is one particular book that will be able to teach you all that and it can be found at totalhairregrowth.com, so make sure you check it out as well.
Saturday, 5 August 2017
Male Hair Loss Solution
Millions of people all over the world are affected by hair loss, and it’s not only the males that suffer this condition as even females are affected by this problem. What’s sad is that many of the individuals affected by such a condition end up just accepting what is happening to their hair due to lack of information or options.
Living their life hiding under cover from wigs or toupee’s when there are actually better options around the corner waiting for them. For males though losing their hair can be devastating, which is why many are sent scrambling for the next most effective male hair loss solution that they can get their hands on.
There are actually many solutions that you can try if you want to stop your hair from falling out. Now, it’s a very big possibility that some of the methods that will be mentioned here you might have already heard of or even tried before, but, there is also a chance that you might be able to get an idea for an entirely new technique which will be able to help you out as well. So without further ado, here are some of the male hair loss solutions that you can try out:
Block DHT:
DHT is a hormone that is manufactured in the bloodstream due to excesses in the testosterone levels and is the main leading cause of male baldness. Simply put, DHT is a hormone that clings to your hair follicles and kills them – slowly.
At first you won’t be able to feel its effects because it works by slowly thinning out your hair, until eventually you will start to see changes within your scalp until such time that it leaves you bald. There are actually many DHT controlling natural products out there. Saw Palmetto, Nettles, Pygeum, and Pumpkin seed oil – all of these can be good solutions and will be worth your while checking upon them further to verify.
Proper Diet:
Another thing that many tend to miss factoring in where hair loss is concerned is proper diet. What you are eating now can either make the problem a lot better or worse. Aside from eating fresh fruits and veggies, you will also want to hydrate yourself properly in order to eliminate any additional afflictions that might be associated to dehydration which can slow or even prevent your recovery.
Hair Supplements:
There are actually many hair supplement products that you can use to promote natural hair growth and prevent hair loss. Ginseng, Horsetail (equisetum), Nettle, Valerian, Zinc – these products are readily available in the market and the only thing you have to do is pick out which one will work for you best.
The three mentioned above are just for starters as well because there are so many more methods that you will be able to choose from when it comes to male hair loss solution. If you are looking for a definitive guide however, one can be found at totalhairregrowth.com.
Living their life hiding under cover from wigs or toupee’s when there are actually better options around the corner waiting for them. For males though losing their hair can be devastating, which is why many are sent scrambling for the next most effective male hair loss solution that they can get their hands on.
There are actually many solutions that you can try if you want to stop your hair from falling out. Now, it’s a very big possibility that some of the methods that will be mentioned here you might have already heard of or even tried before, but, there is also a chance that you might be able to get an idea for an entirely new technique which will be able to help you out as well. So without further ado, here are some of the male hair loss solutions that you can try out:
Block DHT:
DHT is a hormone that is manufactured in the bloodstream due to excesses in the testosterone levels and is the main leading cause of male baldness. Simply put, DHT is a hormone that clings to your hair follicles and kills them – slowly.
At first you won’t be able to feel its effects because it works by slowly thinning out your hair, until eventually you will start to see changes within your scalp until such time that it leaves you bald. There are actually many DHT controlling natural products out there. Saw Palmetto, Nettles, Pygeum, and Pumpkin seed oil – all of these can be good solutions and will be worth your while checking upon them further to verify.
Proper Diet:
Another thing that many tend to miss factoring in where hair loss is concerned is proper diet. What you are eating now can either make the problem a lot better or worse. Aside from eating fresh fruits and veggies, you will also want to hydrate yourself properly in order to eliminate any additional afflictions that might be associated to dehydration which can slow or even prevent your recovery.
Hair Supplements:
There are actually many hair supplement products that you can use to promote natural hair growth and prevent hair loss. Ginseng, Horsetail (equisetum), Nettle, Valerian, Zinc – these products are readily available in the market and the only thing you have to do is pick out which one will work for you best.
The three mentioned above are just for starters as well because there are so many more methods that you will be able to choose from when it comes to male hair loss solution. If you are looking for a definitive guide however, one can be found at totalhairregrowth.com.
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