Saturday 15 July 2017

Sate Padang Ajo Ramon - Indonesian Street Food in Jakarta!

Sate, also spelled satay, is one of the most popular forms of Indonesian street food, and there are many different version of sate available. One of the types of sate, originally from Padang in Sumatra, is called Sate Padang, and it’s one of the versions that seems to have a very strong following of people that love it.

For my first taste of Sate Padang in Jakarta, I went to a place called Sate Padang Ajo Ramon, located in south Jakarta in a lovely shade covered neighborhood. I think it actually sets up in the evening in front of a market, but it’s a nice friendly and quiet place for a food stall. When you walk up, you can already smell the aroma of the grilling skewers of meat. 

The skewers of meat were quite small, but they were just coated in a thick layers of fragrant spices before being grilled. You could get a variety of different parts of the beef, including regular meat, intestines, or tongue, and tongue is one of the most popular cuts for Sate Padang. I ordered half tongue and half meat. After the sate were finished grilling, they were put on a plate along with ketupat (rice cakes) and then the entire plate was covered in a thick brown gravy sauce. The actual skewers of the grilled meat, plus the brown gravy is what makes Sate Padang so unique.

I have to admit, it’s not one of the prettiest Indonesian dishes, but Sate Padang absolutely makes up for its looks with flavor. With every bite I took, the spices literally exploded in my mouth.

From eating my first plate of Sate Padang in Jakarta, I’ve become a little bit obsessed. The only reason I didn’t have another plate immediately is because I came here right after eating a big seafood meal, so I was pretty stuffed.

Resepi Sate Padang

1 kilo daging lembu
50 gram tepung beras
4 lembar daun limau purut segar
1 batang serai – diketuk
2 potong asam keping
Garam secukupnya
Bahan yang perlu dikisar halus:
10 biji cili merah
2 sudu makan biji ketumbar
1 sudu teh jintan bulat
1 sudu teh jintan manis
10 biji bawang merah
1 sudu makan kunyit – dicincang atau potong
2 cm halia – dicincang
2 cm lengkuas – dicincang
Cara buat Kuah:
1.Didihkan sisa kuah daging rebus tadi, sebanyak 500 ml sahaja
2.Tambahkan tepung beras yang telah dicairkan, dan kacau sehingga sebati dan mengental
Cara membuat sate padang :
1.Rebus dahulu daging tersebut sehingga empuk bersama semua bahan yang dikisar halus kecuali tepung beras.
2.Setelah siap direbus dan ditoskan,potonglah daging tersebut mengikut ukuran daging sate serta tusuk sampai habis.
3.Akhir sekali,bakar daging sate tetapi jangan lupa sapukan minyak campuran diantara minyak dan gula pada dagingnya serta bakar sampai masak.
4.Bila sudah masak,bolehlah dihidangkan.
P/s : Resepi Sate Padang lebih sedap jika tidak dimasak dengan begitu kering dan dibiarkan berjus sedikit kerana rasanya akan lebih menyerlah.


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