Saturday 1 July 2017

Bubur Ayam Barito: Chicken Rice Porridge in Jakarta

Bubur ayam is a very common Indonesian street food dish that you will find all over Jakarta. It is the Indonesian version of rice congee porridge, and one of the most common versions is served with chicken. In this video I went to a restaurant called Bubur Ayam Barito, which is located in South Jakarta, and it's a legendary restaurant when it comes to serving bubur ayam.

It was a really rainy day, it rained the entire day, and even when I thought the rain was starting to clear, it still rained the entire time we walked over to the restaurant. So I thought it was the perfect day to eat rice congee, because it's such a comforting and warming dish - and even though it wasn't cold outside, it was a little bit cooler than a normal day when the sun was shining. 

We arrived to Bubur Ayam Barito in the evening, well before the main dinner rush, and they were already packed with hungry customers. But just as we are arrived they were setting up for dinner and so they set up a tent on the side of the sidewalk so that we could get a seat. When you go to Bubur Ayam Barito, they prepare all of the bubur ayam to the left hand side where the kitchen is located. And if you're lucky you can get a seat right there where they are cooking, otherwise there's a huge overflow section underneath the tarp where there're plenty of tables and places to sit.

In order to make the bubur ayam, the rice congee porridge was already prepared. And so he took a spoon and he dished out a portion, and just from looking at him dish it out I could tell how sticky and thick it was. This is not just an ordinary bowl of rice congee, it was topped with a bunch of different items including some sliced shredded chicken, and also put an egg in it, and also with some crunchy things. I also saw a lot of people are eating at Bubur Ayam Barito, and they ordered a couple skewers of chicken innards, which appeared to be deep-fried and on a stick, and so I had to follow.
The bubur ayam, was overall very good, and it was definitely a deluxe bowl of rice congee. However, rice congee is still not my favorite thing to eat, as I usually prefer dishes that are a little bit more spicy and flavorful. But that being said this was a pretty good bowl of rice congee and it definitely tasted good because it was a rainy day as well.

Resep Cara Membuat Bubur Ayam Spesial Praktis Enak Dan Lezat

Bahan bubur :
  • 250 gram beras
  • 1/2 ekor ayam kampung
  • 1/2 kg ceker ayam
  • 3 liter air
  • 1,5 liter kaldu ayam
  • 2 lembar daun salam
  • 1 1/5 sendok teh garam
Bahan Kuah :
  • 750 ml air rebusan ayam
  • 1 batang daun bawang, iris tipis
  • 1 sendok teh garam
  • 2 sendok teh kecap asin
  • 1/4 butir biji pala
  • 2 sendok teh minyak goreng
Bumbu Yang di haluskan :
  • 8 buah bawabg merah
  • 3 butir kemiri, sangrai
  • 2 siung bawang putih
  • 2 cm kunyit
  • 1/4 sendok teh ketumbar, sangrai
  • 1/4 sendok teh merica
Bahan Pelengkap :
  • 4 sendok makan kedelai goreng
  • 2 batang sledri , iris tipis
  • 2 sendok makan bawang goreng
  • 2 butir telur pindang , belah menjadi dua
  • krupuk
  • sambal
Cara membuat bubur ayam bandung :
  1. rebus setengah ekor ayam kampung dengan 1 liter air dan tambah kan 1/2 sendok teh garam agar lebih gurih. masak sampai matang. amgkat dan suwir – suwir ayam dan sisihkan air rebusan untuk digunakan sebagai kuah bubur.
  2. rebus ceker ayam kampung dengan 2 liter air sampai empuk. Sisihkan 1.5 lt air yang akan digunakan sebagai kaldu.
  3. Didihkan air kaldu, masukan beras yang sudah di cuci beserta garam dan daun salam. aduk terus sampai menjadi bubur.
  4. Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus dan pala hingga harum. tuangkan 750 ml air rebusan ayam beserta garam dan kecap manis. masak hinnga mendidih kemudian masukan irisan daun bawang dang angkat.
Cara Penyajian bubur ayam Bandung :
  1. Siapkan mangkuk , tuang bubur ayam
  2. tambahkan suwiran ayam, telur pindamg , sledri, bawang goreng dang kedelai goreng. Siram dengan kuah secukupnya
  3. sajikan dengan krupuk dan sambal lebih nikmat.


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