Tuesday 11 July 2017

Insanely Spicy Grilled Chicken (Ayam Taliwang)

When I was in Jakarta, one of the Indonesian dishes I was recommended to try wat Ayam Taliwang, a type of grilled chicken that originates from the island of Lombok, and is famous for being incredibly spicy. When I heard grilled chicken and incredibly spicy, I knew ayam bakar Taliwang was something I needed to eat.

In Jakarta, I searched and found a restaurant called Ayam Taliwang Rinjani, and so one day for lunch my wife and I headed over there… little did I know I would have a near life changing grilled chicken experience. 

There were a couple of different types of grilled chicken you could order, including a sweet version, a spicy version, and the extra super pedas spicy version. We ordered one of each - the chickens were spring chickens so they were small and you can easily eat one or two whole chickens yourself. At the front of Ayam Taliwang Rinjani, they had a glass cabinet full of partially grilled chickens. Then as soon as you order, they take a chicken, cover it in whatever sauce you chose, and then put it back on the grill. The super extra pedas (meaning super extra spicy), was dunked in a bucket of sambal chili sauce and oil, and then put on the grill. When it was finished, there was literally about a 1 cm thick coating of chilis all over the chicken.

Ayam bakar Taliwang proved to be one of my ultimate favorite Indonesian dishes. The chicken itself was extremely flavorful and bursting with juices, and because it was grilled on a high heat it additionally had a nice flame flavor. But the greatest thing about the chicken was the incredible amount of chilies piled on top. It was truly a chicken changing experience!

Resepi Ayam Bakar Taliwang Khas Lombok
Bahan-bahan Ayam Bakar Taliwang:
• 1 ekor ayam/ayam kampung- belah 2
• 1 biji limau nipis 
• 1 sudu makan garam
• 1-2  makan minyak untuk menumis
• 3 sudu makan minyak masak/marjerin
• 2 helai  daun limau purut

• 10 biji  bawang merah
• 5 biji  bawang putih
• 7 biji cili merah  
• 5 biji cili api - kalau nak pedas boleh tambah lagi
• 1 sudu teh belacan-di bakar
• 1 sudu makan gula merah/gula melaka
1 sudu teh garam
• 1 buah tomato besar
CARA MEMBUAT Ayam Bakar Taliwang:
1. Basuh bersih dan kelar-kelar badan ayam dan lumuri ayam dengan jus limau nipis dan garam.  Ketepikan. 
2. Tumis bahan kisar  yang dihaluskan dengan minyak.  Kacau rata sehingga naik minyak.
3. Masukkan ayam dan lumuri  hingga ayam bersalut dengan rempah dan masak ayam sehingga setengah masak dan angkat.
4. Biarkan 1 jam agar bumbu meresap. Masukkan daun limau purut  ke dalam perut ayam. 
4. Bakar ayam di atas bara api (lagi sodap) atau oven dengan suhu 180-200C  sambil diolesi rempah dan margarine cair. Balik ayam agar masak sekata dalam 30-45 minit atau sehingga ayam masak keperangan.



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